Machar (K-3)
Machar gives our youngest participants a beginning foundation of what the CBI Youth program is all about.
Machar is the Hebrew word for tomorrow. Our Machar group is for children in grades K-3, created by CBI, to allow them to take an active role in our community and begin their social journey. We meet once a month for events which incorporate Jewish values and holidays, entertainment, social action projects, and the start of leadership building skills.
Children get together in a social setting where we begin introducing them to the Kadima and USY world that awaits them. The Machar group allows them to have fun in a safe and supervised environment, and they get to enjoy their CBI friends from Preschool, Camp B’nai Ruach and Religious School even if they attend other elementary schools.
Check out upcoming Machar events on the Calendar. Join our Mailing List.
Complete our Membership forms online! These forms are required for Machar kids to participate in all chapter events.
Help us provide scholarships so more teens can join our activities – click here to donate to the Paul Kahn Youth Scholarship Fund or the Hillary Beth Moss Youth Fund.
Kadima (4-6)
Kadima is a stepping stone from Machar to USY, and allows preteens to take an active role in our community and begin their social journey.
Our Kadima group is for children in grades 4-6. We meet once a month for events which incorporate Jewish values and holidays, entertainment, social action projects, and leadership building skills. These programs introduce and prepare young people to socialize with other Jewish pre-teens, do Mitzvot, and support Israel. Friendships are built that will continue through USY and beyond.
The Kadima group allows our children to have fun in a safe and supervised environment, and they get to enjoy their CBI friends from preschool, Camp B’nai Ruach and Religious School even if they attend other elementary or middle schools. As part of the national and international United Synagogue Youth organization, special regional events, including a Kinnus (weekend retreat) at Camp Ramah in Ojai, are held just for “Kadimanicks.”
“In Kadima friendships grow stronger because it gives friends a chance to be together.” ~ Lila Ginsburg, former Kadima Representative
Check out upcoming Kadima events on the Calendar. Join our Mailing List.
Complete our Membership forms online! These forms are required for Kadimaniks to participate in all chapter events and the annual regional weekend.